Selenium Test Suite


I. Who am I? // 2 mins
II. About the presentation. // 2 mins
III. Selenium. Introduction.
1. What is Selenium? // 5 minutes
2. Brief history. // 5 minutes
3. Selenium family. // 10 minutes
4. Support: platforms, browsers. // 5 minutes
IV. Selenium WebDriver.
1. The WebDriver (W3C standard). // 5 minutes
2. How it works (from start to stop). // 5 minutes
3. What can I do with it (commands)? // 5 minutes
4. Limitations (flash, java). // 5 minutes
V. Why should I use it?
1. Who uses it and why? // 10 minutes
2. Why exactly the Selenium? // 10 minutes
3. My use case. // 10 minutes
VI. Speed it up!
1. Selenium Grid. // 5 minutes
2. PhantomJS, SlimerJS, HTMLUnit // 5 minutes
3. Cloud services and wrappers. // 2 minutes
VII. Test case, demo. // 20-30 minutes
VIII. Questions and answers.

What is Selenium?

Selenium automates browsers. That’s it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.

Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It is also the core technology in countless other browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.

Which part of Selenium is appropriate for me?

• Selenium WebDriver

If you want to

• create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests

• scale and distribute scripts across many environments

Selenium WebDriver is the successor of Selenium Remote Control which has been officially deprecated. The Selenium Server (used by both WebDriver and Remote Control) now also includes built-in grid capabilities.

• Selenium IDE

If you want to

• create quick bug reproduction scripts

• create scripts to aid in automation-aided exploratory testing

Copas y Tapas

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés. @AlicanteTech #AlicanteTech

Copas y Tapas

@AlicanteTech</a> <a href=””>#AlicanteTech

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés.

Copas y Tapas

@AlicanteTech</a> <a href=””>#AlicanteTech

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés.

A bit of meta-programming with scheme

A bit of meta-programming with scheme, or: write yourself a LISP (and probably some other languages too), for prosperity and happiness.

As a continuation (!) of scheme workshop for prosperity happiness, this time we could see some variants of The Maxwell Equations Of Computer Science, i.e. LISP [meta-circular] interpreter.
Implementing a toy programming language is what every programmer should do at least once in her/his life. And it can be quite handy too — embedding small script language in some c/Java/PHP project sometimes can reduce compile-deploy-test cycles; besides, just check out (yeah, common lisp… but you know, scheme was not that popular outside academia in the early 90s ;)).

As a side effect (!) you should also gain/strengthen your insights about referential transparency, dynamic vs static scoping, side effects, closures… [mostly functional] programming in general.

If you’re interested of course!


ps notes from first workshop, introducing to scheme:

Copas y Tapas

@AlicanteTech</a> <a href=””>#AlicanteTech

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés.

Copas y Tapas

@AlicanteTech</a> <a href=””>#AlicanteTech

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés.

A bit of meta-programming with scheme for prosperity&happiness

A bit of meta-programming with scheme, or: write yourself a LISP (and probably some other languages too), for prosperity and happiness.

As a continuation (!) of scheme workshop for prosperity happiness, this time we could see some variants of The Maxwell Equations Of Computer Science, i.e. LISP [meta-circular] interpreter.
Implementing a toy programming language is what every programmer should do at least once in her/his life. And it can be quite handy too — embedding small script language in some c/Java/PHP project sometimes can reduce compile-deploy-test cycles; besides, just check out (yeah, common lisp… but you know, scheme was not that popular outside academia in the early 90s ;)).

As a side effect (!) you should also gain/strengthen your insights about referential transparency, dynamic vs static scoping, side effects, closures… [mostly functional] programming in general.

If you’re interested of course!


PS notes from first workshop, introducing to scheme:


PS2 How to prepare to the workshop?
You (yes, you!) are a hacker, a craftsman, an artist, a scientist, a curious and free being. You know what’s best for you, I can’t tell you (and besides, nothing is true and everything is permitted).

It’s better if you are familiar with LISP (just a little). You can check out the notes from previous workshop (the github link above — up to the line number 218 is enough). If you’ve got some time and will, try reading the original McCarthy’s paper [1] you’d like to read some more try (Part One of) this brilliant paper [2]. 

If you don’t have time or will, don’t read 🙂 you can always go back to these papers after the workshop. And billions of people throughout the history didn’t read them at all — no big deal! I’m going to start with just a fast overview of LISP; during the workshop you’ll probably get it better.

If you want to just come and take a look, there’s no need to take laptop — maybe you’ll change your mind and pair someone. Working in small groups is cool, I hope we will form some. Working alone is also cool, as well as not working at all.

As of setup, I am going to use scheme, in particular GNU’s guile-2.0, with emacs and geiser as my environment. I’m going to use Alex Shinn’s matcher (the (ice-9 match) module in guile); it should work with gambit-c as well. If you’re a debian person, you can apt-get install guile-2.0 and you’re there.

If you’re using chez scheme, Kent Dybvid’s matcher is a bit different, but it should do (I only used it once but should be able to help you). If you’re using some other lisp, in the worst case you’ll have to write some more code to do without a matcher (I’ll tell you how). 

You can pick any other language as long as you feel comfortable with it. elisp, common lisp, picolisp, shen, clojure all should do very well; js and R might do; mathematica, python and ruby will be harder, but should do. I believe Antonio and Joaquin will help with strongly typed functional languages (at least Scala and Elm and probably haskell). In general, it’s good if your language supports lists, and it should handle recursive function calls (eg older versions of php had a rather small callstack by default). Garbage collection is cool.

If you’d like to use C or Java, it’s going to be a lot of work and you will almost surely run out of time — but it does not mean “no”.

If you fail to prepare some setup, and it’s not a big deal, I may help you before we begin.

Remember we’re about good and prosperity. And enlightenment. And fun. Failing is learning, giving up is a sign of sanity.

As a last word, if you will be interested, we can do this again, or go on with other topics — I’d love to do some compilers and/or partial evaluation with you!



V Edición ” Fiesta de la Burbuja” FASCV

Nuestro patrocinador Dominio de la Vega van a presentar sus mejores vinos ahí!

Fiesta de las Burbujas 2016 de la FASCV (Federación de Asociaciones de Sumilleres de la Comunidad Valenciana que se celebrará en Valencia el día 4 de Julio, lunes y el día 5 de Julio, martes, en Alicante.

Le recordamos que la entrada al recinto está reservada a MAYORES de 18 años y tiene un coste de 5 euros/persona. 
En el momento de su acreditación, le será obsequiada una copa “tulipa” grabada con el logo de la FASCV. Esta es la ÚNICA copa válida para las degustaciones.

El horario de acceso es el siguiente:
Profesionales y comercio HORECA: 18:00 (5 €/pax)
Público en general: 20:00 (5€/pax +1 €/ticket de consumición)

Si quieres asistir tanto a la Fiesta del lunes 4 de Julio en Valencia, como a la del día 5 de Julio, Martes, en Alicante , hay que rellenar 2 inscripciones.

La Federación de Asociaciones de Sumilleres de la Comunidad Valenciana (FASCV) celebra un año mas la Fiesta de las Burbujas, un encuentro entre los productores y distribuidores de vinos espumosos y los profesionales del sector de hoteles, restaurantes y cafeterías de la Comunitat, Una cita anual imprescindible para los profesionales y amantes de estos vinos.




Copas y Tapas

@AlicanteTech</a> <a href=””>#AlicanteTech

Let’s have some copas y tapas while talking about the technology you are working on today.

We have selected a place to meet that looks nice, but we’re open to suggestions!

We expect that the languages spoken will be a mixture of English and Spanish.


Vamos a tomar algunas copas y tapas, mientras que hablamos de la tecnología en trabajas hoy.

Hemos seleccionado un lugar que estaría muy bien pero si tienes un sitio mejor solo tienes que decírnoslo.

Los idiomas que se hablarán serán tanto español como inglés.